
Saturday, July 18, 2015

AE Type Inspired Layouts - Magic

 If you follow me on my Instagram or Facebook, you probably know that I'm into making full size layouts lately after taking Ali Edwards Type Class which has just came to an end 2 wks ago. Though started a little late, I was so inspired by the class that I started typing out a bunch of journaling for story ideas that has been sitting in my Evernote app, with just title and little description but not much story content. It haven't been scrapbooking full size pages since about 1.5 years ago, when I decided that Project Life pocket page scrapbooking is what I will continue doing only. But as life goes on, especially when big and small things happen to you, and feelings accumulates, and I want to find a way to sort of trash things out. I find that big stories like these needs large photographs to go with them. Coincidentally I have a brand new 8.5x11 WRMK faux leather 3ring binder sitting there, hence that's the size I decide to go with for now :) And I have been LOVING IT! 

I will be sharing the layouts I have made on the blog this month :) 

This is the first layout I will be sharing. I shared sneaks on my Instagram and have been receiving some likes, thanks alot :D I myself love it too! This layout has alot of first. 

  1. It's my first time using Ali Edwards' story kit for a full size layout
  2. First time including such a long typed journaling in my scrapbook
  3. First time using 8.5x11 photo 
  4. First time doing a hybrid full size layout 

The layout is heavily inspired by Ali Edwards and her layouts in the class. I really learnt alot and will continue using the typography design knowledge in my future layouts :)

I strongly encourage everyone to write longer journaling and document your stories, big or small. Jot down your emotions and write down how you feel! It will be interesting when you read it one day :) Thanks for stopping! 

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