
Sunday, April 5, 2015

#myselfiescrapbook project by Jennifer Lake and Julie Gagen

These few days I was just thinking about why isn't there any online crop anymore. I used to follow lots of them , like during a long weekend or something like this. I was just craving for it, any online project where several people participate along. And then I chance upon this blogpost by Kellie Winnie , about the #myselfiescrapbook project started by Jennifer Lake and Julie Gagen. And I'm totally following along! 

Jennifer explains the project on her blog, you can read more about it here . For Julie, you can find it here. Jennifer shared her suggested supply list Here

I read the blog post before sleeping yesterday night, I was thinking about this project while showering today morning, the direction i'm taking and whatnots. As scrapbooker and memory keeper, we often have tons of projects on hand already, and we still want to add more. Hence I want to keep it real simple. So here is my direction of my project , finalised.

  1. Take ANY kind of photos I want about myself. I wrote down a suggested list of photo prompts and I'm not going to follow it as if it's a bible. Just some suggestions and reminder for myself. I'm going to be totally ok if i skip a day. 
  2. Format of the final project will be a 4x4 WRMK Coral colored album. 
  3. Supplies - I sat down for 15 mins and picked out a few die cuts here and there that speaks to me when I have this project in mind, and I'm just going to use this, plus some stamps, enamel dots and my trusty worthy labels. The die cuts that I picked include Heidi Swapp die cut pack, Teresa Collins x WRMK 4x4 and 2x2 cards and


Here are my selfies of the day to start off with :)

Do comment below if you're following along, and link it up to your instagram or blog :)

Till next time :)

Products: Below are the products I used (or that are similar from Simonsaysstamp). You can click on the product photos for more information.

Supplies (click photos for links)


  1. I love your photos and I am following you on IG. Love what you do. I also love Singapore and hoping to be in September. I have been thinking about getting a canon selfie, you you recommend getting one.
    Great to find you doing this project

  2. Hi Pepper! Its so fun to see photos of you, you're adorable my friend! I am happy that you're joining in and spreading the word about the project, thanks girl! I'm looking forward to more posts from you!

  3. Mandy, Thank you! I love that you all are starting so many projects and I absolutely enjoy followng along :)

    Tracey thank you! The canon Selphy is good (So far so good :) But the photo is very sleek surface and sticky so It's hard for inks to dry on it except stazon , one thing to note if u stamp on photo :)
