
Sunday, November 2, 2014


Hello all, I hope you had a good week . Last week I took up the challenge of completing a project called Week In the Life. This project is an initiation by Ali Edwards to document one week of your life each year.

You can read more about the project here

This is my second year trying this project and I'm so happy I completed it. Just two years I have already made some observations and the differences in my life. I'm sure looking back few years later , it will be an amazing experience. Here are some of the differences in how I approach my project .

ONE | In 2013, I took the photos mostly using DSLR. This year I only used my Iphone5 and pictapgo app to edit the photographs

TWO | In 2013, my setting is in a junior collage, my role is a teacher. In 2014, my setting is a university, my role is as a student teacher.

THREE | I use the timer capability in iOS 8 and daringly place my phone in weird places, even public, just to take a photo of what i'm doing . I think it's really rewarding . You can also just ask passer-by or friends or collegues to help you take the photo. Candid is best :) Post candid is good too :p

I'm also getting alot of difference in feelings and emotions by just looking at the photographs, seeing what i do and also what I choose to photograph. My routine changes a bit, my love for coffee grew. It's good to see what you have been doing and living as a whole. I can also see what's missing in my life and how will i (or not ) what to improve on, what can i (or should I not) change :) 

Here are some photographs to share . 

This photograph is taken by placing the camera on a neighbouring table while my friends were chatting :)

This photograph is inspired by Ali , how she place her camera and frame it as a peeking into the door kind of photograph :)

The perspective that's i'm getting every morning when I travel.

A classroom setting 

asking a friend to take a photo of me in the cafe :)

Daringly place the phone on the ground when there is no one around :)

Hope you take up the challenge and document one week of your life. Check out this WITL community by Ali Edwards and  Paperclipping forum for more discussion about this WITL project . 

I'm working on the Album now and will be sharing very soon :)


  1. I'm always super bad with keeping up with projects like that, but I'm really wanting to attempt WITL...your photos look awesome!

  2. I love this!! Nice work on all those timer shots - my favorite is the one of all your friends. What a great way to capture it.

    Thanks for starting the thread at Paperclipping - it helped keep me going through WITL!

  3. I haven't actually participated in WITL before, but I wanted to start it this year. I plan to start it next week and wanna document it on my blog at the very least. Your pictures are inspiring!


  4. Hey! I just found your blog from the Studio Calico site. I love your scrapbooking and photography style. Super inspiring!
