
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Project Life System Day 3 - Adding Small ephemera and journaling spot

So we left off at my graduation. Today i'm sharing the spread from 16th july to 31st july. Lots of things happen in these 2 weeks, my boyfriend is back in SG so we have lots of small outings. Going out means I have alot of ephemera collected. I keep all of them in this small box i get ffrom Daiso. Not arranged, nothing. Just dump and go. this certainly motivate me to keep more of the bits and pieces of life. 
I keep some of the pebbles glassine bag together with the memorabilia
Sometimes i just grab all the receipts and put them into one  

Here are my spreads for the week 

Adding conversation screen shots
adding hidden journaling behind the photo

There are lots of inserts this week

I'm addicted to using the strings and enamel dots 
as lines to emphasize on my title

See the metal clip at the top of the bottom left pockets
those are to hold my receipts in place

Here is a closer look 
the metal paper clips act as a 'cue' to pull out some goodies from behind :)

I did lots of journaling this week
i copy and paste from my online journal into word document
and size it to the size i want 
and print them using my inkjet printer using normal printing paper
Then i position the pattern paper over the printed text
stick them using removable adhesive
and run it through the printer again
This way you will get perfectly aligned text :)
Thanks to a crafty friend Cassandra who taught me that 

Leave a comment below sharing with me how you keep track of your memorabilia and how do you add journaling into your pages . the giveaway closes at the end of this month. 

Thanks for joining me today. 

P.s. Here are some good reads 
Catherine Davis has a new workshop on PROCESS which i'm all signed up :) 
How can i miss it? I love systems :D


  1. Thanks for sharing :) Love the part on aligning the journalling. I usually write it down (even though I don't really like my handwriting), but for me, that feels closer to my heart :)

  2. I like your phone convo screenshot and that printer tip was very useful!!

  3. WOW! So much stuff going on in your Project Life album! I love all these little hidden notes and little pockets. So cute!
