
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

5 layouts to share

Finally had a chance to do some scrapbooking with the studio calico kits!
This month I'm playing with the Elmwood Park kit
with add on kits 3 and 4

So far I only manage to find time for 5 layouts. 
And all of the layouts are inspired by a free class or event 
It's call the Big Idea Festival that runs for the past 14 days

The first layout 
I scraplifted this layout by Marcy Penner

Love the yellow font

You will be seeing lots of colourful arrows?
in my layouts! Love this paper from Echo Park
Arent they just cute?


The second layout is called Dream Big

got these 2 black and white photo from some 3 4 years ago
when i was at NUS open house
thinking about my future and my ambition

using black and white photos is great 
because you dont have to worry about the colours of the papers
clashing with that in the photos


The third is called Dolphin Cruise 
The challenge is to use a large photo!

I have always been inspired by lots of scrapbooker outside
who scrap large beautiful photos
Always wanted to give it a try

I love this photograph taken at Port Adelaide
Love the blues and the shine in the water
I printed it on an A4 sized photo paper

One good thing is that, 
about 60% of the layout is alrd covered!

love this pie chart stamp in one of the add on kit
I have been using them alot recently
I stamped them with the Hero Arts shadow ink 
can cut them out individually

I cut alot and keep them in a small zip lock bag
that way i can use them anytime I want to 

I also use these beautiful pie charts to create some 

Just love how they look so nice on any backgroud

Love the little birdies
and that they are in different sizes
like a few small birdies following their mummy? 
cute huh!

And first time playing with these october afternoon flags
You can also cut your own paper and wrap around a toothpick 


The fourth layout is called Learn Something , from everyone

For this layout, i took inspiration from layouts by Lisa Truesdell
Lovingly her style so much recently :)
How she manage to amazingly add bits and pieces onto her layout
and it always ending up so super nice!

These pictures are taken during some of my scrapbook classes
I love to teach, because I always manage to learn something during the process
Not only just teaching crafting, but also in academic 

see i'm using the birdies alot ya?
absolutely love it!

Love this wooden pennant 


Last piece of layout to share is this
I love playing with mixed medium recently
And here i tried to create a rainbow effect
using spray mist i bought
to create the backgroung

See the arrows are appearing again
these are great to direct where our eyes are looking at
giving a little direction

Birdies again!

Buttons are great to draw a diagonal line across the page
so that everything is drawn together

And that's all for now :)
Till next time!

P.s. yes the giveaway will be up soon! 
Check back again at the end of this wk!

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